Supplier Portal

This Portal for kind of suppliers supply Non-trade items or services to facilitate creating registration request so they can participate in the RFQ

Terms and Conditions

Applicable Laws and Policy

Union Coop requires suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords to conduct their business with Union Coop in accordance with this policy and in compliance with all laws applicable to your business; wherever conducted, you agree to abide by the terms of this policy and acknowledge that compliance with this policy is required to maintain your status as a Union Coop supplier, service provider, contractor, tenant, or landlord.

Conflict of Interest

The term "conflict of interest" describes any circumstance that could cast doubt on the suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords’ ability to act with total objectivity with regard to the business with Union Coop. If suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords feel there is a conflict of interest, all pertinent details should be reported to Union Coop.

Independence and Objectivity

Union Coop discourages suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords from offering or accepting gifts, services, discounts, gratuities, or other benefits that could influence or appear to influence the performance of their duties or assist in obtaining undue or unfair advantage.

Completeness and Accuracy of Information

Accurate records and disclosures are critical to Union Coop meeting its legal, financial, regulatory, and management obligations. Suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords shall ensure that facts are never misstated or material information is never omitted when reporting to Union Coop.

Fair Competition

Union Coop expects suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords to compete fairly and ethically for all business opportunities in which your employees are involved.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords shall only use Union Coop’s information and property for the purpose for which they are provided to the Supplier and for no other purposes and are expected to safeguard information by not transferring, publishing, or disclosing it to third parties.

Social Media Content

Suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords shall have processes in place to ensure that the use of social media by their workforce or representatives does not negatively affect Union Coop’s reputation.

Accuracy and Retention of Records

Suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords should not have any false or inaccurate entries in the accounting books or records related to Union Coop for any reason. Business records must be retained in accordance with record retention policies and all applicable laws and regulations.

Right Of Audit

Union Coop or its appointed agents shall have the right to audit compliance to this Code at any point during the tenure of the Agreement as given in the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Disqualification and Termination

In the event of a violation of this policy, Union Coop reserves the right to disqualify the Supplier from the approved Suppliers list or from the tender and terminate the Agreement in whole or part along with the retention of any performance bond or claim compensation.

Violations Reporting

Suppliers, service providers, contractors, tenants, or landlords are required to report to Union Coop any conduct believed in good faith to be an actual, apparent, or potential violation of this policy.

Contact: +971-562244245 | Email:

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